Altogether, this means that even mesothelioma patients, recently diagnosed can get quite a negative outcome doctos from them. Statistics is difficult, but British scientists think 10% of the patients newly diagnosed with at least 3 years of entry, Only 5% of the live for five years or longer. In the first stage, 50% of patients live for at least two years. But doctors may be wrong, and diagnosed mesothelioma is not always equal death. In the case of a famous scientist Stephen jay gould, live peritoneal mesothelioma nearly 20 years. Finally, he died of another kind of cancer.
The four stages of disease malignant mesothelioma measurement has been improved. How to treat patients mesothelioma depends largely on which stage, he or she�s sick.
I: local mesothelioma * stage, only exist in lung, diaphragm and pericardium lining.
The second stage: advanced mesothelioma sexually transmitted to the lymph nodes in the chest.
Stage 3: advanced mesotheioma * has spread to the chest wall, chest, heart and diaphragm. The third stage malignant mesothelioma may or may not has spread to lymph nodes.
* 4: advanced mesothelioma is spread to other organs in the chest and abdomen.
Example 1) or mild second stage mesothelioma is usually provide one or more traditional cancer therapy: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For early surgery patients, the disease is cured by literally entry cutting of cancer patients. The most common surgery is a pleurectomy pleural mesothelioma or decortication and this is doctor remove all or part of a lung tissue and chest. If doctors found that they cannot eliminate cancer and dismantling of lung tissue, they may also removed a pneumonectomy under, This is called. A more radical types of surgical treatment of pleural mesothelioma called extrapleural pneunonectomy (EPP). In this case, the surgeon will remove a subpleural lung cancer and a heart of inner diaphragm,. It is dangerous and difficult types of surgery, the surgeon will recommend or light.
This kind of influence, peritoneal mesothelioma abdominal surgery patients could give cytoredutive. In the surgery, doctors are trying to remove all the cancerous tissue they can find his belly and viscera. Doctors also can choose peritonectomy throughout the abdomen will be removed. Again, this isn�t an easy surgery and may not be suitable for every man, but it has successfully some patients. Cardiac patients undergoing surgery is generally entry.
Radiation and chemotherapy
In addition, or instead of the surgery, doctors will give patients with early mesothelioma chemotherapy and radiotherapy or both. Radiation and chemotherapy are used to kill cancer patients without killing. Unfortuantely, in order to kill cancer cells, these people often kill healthy cells. This is why cancer patients often lose their hair, diet, and generally weak and sick. The doctor prescribed of chemotherapy and radiation may also suggest nutritional supplements or other measures to control these symptoms.
Chemotherapy is any treating patients is specially designed to chemical drug therapy of cancer cells attack experience. This drug is injected into the blood often swallowing or in weeks or months later, in a loop, and give some patients recover time during treatment. Patients can stay at home, only need to visit your doctor�s office, they can be treated, Sometimes even treatment at home. In some cases, doctors can choose chemotherapy drugs, it needs directly carcinoma patients who, so must live in a hospital. There are many different kinds of chemotherapy drugs, scientists are trying to develop better every day.
Radiation therapy, aims to kill cancer cells and high-energy rays radiation, such as x-rays, prevent them grow. Patients with external-beam radiotherapy, directed by director certain parts of the body ray radiation is affected by cancer. This treatment lasts about 30 minutes a day, is in the same every day after a few weeks. In brachytherapy (internal, the doctor beside a container of radioactive substances of cancerous tissue, surgery, or existing in the body cavity. Some, others will be removed, replaced. Finally, radiopharmaceuticals is sometimes used to execute the radiation therapy, or injections into the body cavity or swallowed.
Source : Meso Info
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